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Safe Secure Shopping

Rest assured that your personal and credit card information is safe with us. We utilise a firewall and also protect all transactions using Secure Sockets Layer (or SSL, sometimes referred to as a secure certificate), which is an encryption technology that works with all browsers. This ensures that only we can view your personal information.

Your security matters greatly to us so we have partnered with eWAY to process all credit card transactions on our website. By partnering with eWAY, you'll enjoy the highest level of PCI-DSS compliance on the planet. eWAY is tier-one PCI DSS compliant, and has the same levels of data security as the largest banks in the world. 


You know how a lot of people are scared of flying, even though it's statistically safer than driving? The same paradox exists for online credit card use versus traditional credit card use. Online purchases are statistically safer than using your credit card at a restaurant or department store. Technical experts state that online purchases are far safer than traditional credit card transactions because the information is immediately encrypted into a scrambled message that can only be decrypted by an authorised computer.